Turkish Kitchen

Welcome to our Turkish Kitchen located in Peterborough. We pride ourselves on offering authentic Turkish cuisine crafted with quality ingredients and traditional recipes.

We are excited to introduce you to the unique flavors of Turkish cuisine. Thank you for choosing us for a delightful and flavorful experience.

Join us to savor traditional Turkish cuisine and enjoy an unforgettable dining experience.

We look forward to welcoming you and making your visit truly special.

Quality Ingredients, Traditional Recipes

Our foundation is built on quality ingredients, traditional recipes, and a dedication to providing an exceptional dining experience for our guests.



A Visual Feast for the Senses

Discover culinary artistry in every snapshot. Explore Turkish Kitchen’s vibrant Photo Gallery.


From our Visitors

Make a Reservation

To ensure an unforgettable dining experience, we highly recommend booking a table in advance.

Our friendly staff will be more than happy to assist you in securing the perfect spot for your desired date and time.